Depth Recorder doesn't work on NVIDIA 30xx GPUs
complete 🏁
Alex Duncan
complete 🏁
Users have confirmed that the experimental build fixed the issue - this fix will be included in version 0.3.0.
Alex Duncan
in progress 🏃♀️
Alex Duncan
Hi James Hurlbut, we believe we may have solved this issue. Could you please try this version of Depth Recorder and see if that solves it on your end?
Alex Duncan: I'm on a rtx 3070 laptop gpu and I managed to get DepthRecorder to run with this version. Good job!
Alex Duncan
under review ✔
James Hurlbut
Doesn't work with 0.2.0 either. Except in 0.2.0 if I leave the kinect unplugged and then start the app the renderer does load and I can change the background image. But then if I plug in the kinect and click open camera the kinect leds turn on and then the renderer hangs and the depth stream never shows up.
Alex Duncan
James Hurlbut: Hi James! Thanks for this! Could you please send your logs to The logs are located in C:\Users[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Looking Glass Factory\DepthRecorder\Player.log
James Hurlbut
Alex Duncan: sent